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Short Cuts

Brand Identity and Multiplatform Streaming Apps

How important is maintaining brand identity and differentiation in streaming UX and app design, and how critical, or even possible or advisable, is it to sustain a consistent look and feel across different platforms? And how crucial is branding in the overall fan experience, or building a fan base for the content associated with your brand? YouTube TV's Esther Ahn, MagellanTV's James Lauzun, and Crunchyroll's Tom Hurlbutt weigh in, in this discussion with Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz at Streaming Media Connect 2024.

How Globo Handles Latency Costs for Live Sports Streaming at Scale

When it comes to implementing streaming tech for large-scale, high-stakes live sports, often decisions around managing latency are driven as much by cost concerns as network conditions, audience expectations, and the like. Globo Digital Products, Platform & Adtech经理Jonas Ribeiro在流媒体连接2024上与Eyevinn Technology的Magnus Svensson讨论了Globo在典型体育流媒体上的延迟,以及影响这些数字的因素.

How CBS Sports Approaches Cloud vs. On-Prem Streaming Workflows

流工作流和架构的大多数基本元素正在向云迁移, 但是驱动流工作流程开发的根本问题应该永远不是我们如何将这个或那个流程迁移到云上, but what will serve the production and the viewer best, according to CBS Sports Senior Director, Advanced Production Technology Corey Smith, 在与Eyevinn Technology的Magnus Svensson的流媒体连接2024的讨论中,谁打破了这些问题.

Can Data Normalization Fix FAST?

Arguably, FAST生态系统面临的两个最大挑战是管理广告体验和为支持该平台的品牌提供投资回报率. Experts, 从弗里曼特尔的劳拉·弗洛伦斯到Fuse Media的帕特里克·考特尼,再到媒体制图师埃文·夏皮罗, 同意将他们收集的数据标准化,并按照程序化广告的承诺进行投放,这是实现这一切的关键. But as this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2024 reveals, it's easier said than done.

Walmart’s Vizio Acquisition and the Future of FAST

沃尔玛(Walmart)最近收购Vizio,以及亚马逊Prime将收购Freevee的传闻,这些都告诉我们FAST生态系统的状况如何? 像Tubi和Fremantle这样的公司如何在不断变化的媒体环境中优化他们的FAST产品? Tubi的Sam Harowitz和Fremantle的Laura Florence在流媒体连接2024上与媒体制图师Evan Shapiro进行了讨论.

AWS, ViewLift, & Altman Solon on the State of Sports Media 2024

Live sports is the last appointment viewing left in the media world, but meanwhile, 在授权和权利以及流媒体用户访问他们想要看到的游戏的能力方面,混乱占据了主导地位. AWS Head of Sports Julie Neenan Souza, ViewLift VP Chance Mason, 和Altman Solon导演Matt DelPercio在这段来自流媒体连接2024的视频中讨论了体育媒体的现状.

Is the AVC/H.264 Codec Finally Fading?

How close to obsolescence is AVC in 2024, AV1和其他更高效、越来越成熟的“新兴”编解码器,如VP9和HEVC正在崛起? Meta's Hassene Tmar, Netflix's Andrey Norkin, AMD's Sean Gardner, and Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin weigh in during this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2024.

Giving Users Control in Streaming App Design

How important is it for streaming users and viewers to be able to customize, personalize, and curate their experiences with streaming apps? And what are product designers doing to facilitate those types of experiences? YouTube TV's Esther Ahn, Crunchyroll's Tom Hurlbutt, and Magellan TV's James Lauzun offer their takes in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2024.

How Premium Sports Streaming Licensing Will Shake Out in 2024 and Beyond

As the prices paid for top-tier sports streaming rights continue to reach astronomical levels, and the potential disruption created by the blockbuster ESPN/Fox/Warner Bros. joint venture (popularly termed "Spulu") teased in February, 随着2024年的到来,体育授权会是什么样子,谁能负担得起,这是每个人的猜测. Will it play out differently in the U.S. and Europe? And as costs are passed on to users, why wouldn't sports fans just stick with cable? Find out what top analysts like ESHAP's Evan Shapiro, Erickson's Paul Erickson, Dataxis' Ophelie Boucaud, and TVREV's Alan Wolk, say in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2024.

How to Design Streaming Apps and UX Strategically in 2024

What does it take to be a streaming app designer and director of product in 2024? According to YouTube TV's Esther Ahn, Crunchyroll's Tom Hurlbutt, and Philo's Brandon Yap, embracing the evolution of that role means rolling with ongoing changes in the device ecosystem, viewer behavior and device preferences, and the modernization of the TV viewing experiences, as they discuss in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2024.

How to Solve Interactive Streaming’s Latency Challenges

What are the biggest challenges to delivering successful large-scale interactive live streams, particularly achieving the requisite low latency, and what technology solutions apply? Nanocosmos CEO Oliver Leitz, Help Me Stream's Tim Siglin, 和Motoworlds的Darcy Lorincz确定了现实世界的交互式流媒体问题,以及如何解决这些问题,并在这段来自流媒体连接2024的视频中提供从传统流媒体到虚拟世界的高质量用户体验.

How Netflix, Meta, and United Cloud Choose New Codecs and Why

对于像Netflix和Meta这样拥有大量内容库的公司来说,迁移到新的编解码器充满了挑战和复杂性, or live linear providers like United Cloud. 是什么驱动了编解码器的更改决策,以及哪些考虑和权衡使这些决策相对于遗留用户和更多的决策变得复杂? Netflix's Andrey Norkin, Meta's Hassene Tmar, United Cloud's Boban Kasalovic, 和帮助我流媒体的蒂姆·西格林讨论这些问题,以及更多来自流媒体连接的视频.

Are Super Bundles the Future of Subscription-Based Streaming?

Churn is an unavoidable fact of life for streaming services, 在试图让SVOD盈利的过程中,很多战略思考都集中在如何将其影响降到最低, whether by offering more content, incorporating ad tiers, or entering into various bundling scenarios. So what's working in 2024 and what isn't? Five leading M & E analysts—ESHAP's Evan Shapiro, Erickson's Paul Erickson, Dataxis' Ophelie Boucaud, TVREV's Alan Wolk, 和Hub的Jon giegengack在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中讨论了当前防止流失的策略.

Synchronization vs. Latency - Which Matters More in Enterprise and Sports Streaming?

Chris Packard, Global Live Operations Lead at LinkedIn, discusses the role of interactivity in enterprise streaming, what the essential elements are of a successful user experience, and striking a realistic balance between ultra-low latency and synchronization, 在与纳米宇宙的奥利弗·利茨和流媒体连接2024的帮助我流的蒂姆·西格林的讨论中.

Netflix, Disney, and the State of Paid Subscription Sharing

2023年底,奈飞公布了令人瞠目结舌的利润,这是该公司广泛宣传的打击订阅共享的举措,而此后,共享者将不得不支付额外费用, 业内人士担心,其他付费流媒体订阅服务很快就会效仿,限制与用户共享订阅服务的普遍做法. In this candid debate from February's Streaming Media Connect 2024, TVREV's Alan Wolk, ESHAP's Evan Shapiro, Hub Entertainment Research的Jon Giegengack讨论了谁在打击以及他们实施了多少新限制, and what if any benefit smaller-market services are likely to gain from following Netflix's lead.

Emerging Trends in CTV and Streaming Monetization

Google TV Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses ongoing shifts in M&E内容消费,如CTV和流媒体相对于传统线性广播的增长, the continued fragmentation of the streaming content market, 以及向更多基于广告的货币化模式的转变将如何影响2024-26年的整体收入情况.

How WebRTC Impacts Stream Resiliency for Contribution and Distribution

为大规模的低延迟流制定策略,选择WebRTC或其他协议意味着要兼顾多个优先级,并在贡献端和分发端评估流的弹性. Dolby.io的瑞恩·杰斯珀森和AWS的埃文·斯塔顿在这段来自流媒体连接的视频中阐述了WebRTC的情况.

How FAST Strategy Is Changing as the Ecosystem Matures

As we move well into the era of FAST 2.0, 在早期为FAST带来成功的策略还能带来回报并确保持续增长吗? Is it time for FAST pioneers to re-innovate? YouTube黄金时段频道的成功能给FAST品牌带来什么经验呢, less Wild West-like FAST ecosystem? Tastemade's Evan Bregman, ESHAP's Evan Shapiro, Gusto TV's Chris Knight, and TMB's Cameron Saless discuss in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.

Google's Take on What CTV Viewers Want

The CTV viewing experience continues to evolve as new UX developments arise. Still, many experts and users agree that the experience is essentially broken, with too much choice and too little personalization as users' #1 complaint, far from where it needs to be. 谷歌电视高级工程总监Shobana Radhakrishnan在她的流媒体连接主题演讲中表示, the critical challenge is understanding what viewers want and letting that drive other decisions.

How to Monitor Cloud-Based Low-Latency Streams at Scale

What is the essential monitoring checklist for maintaining efficiency, resiliency, and performance for large-scale low-latency streaming using cloud-based workflows? Dolby.io产品战略总监和2G数字后优化的Allan McLennan在这段来自流媒体连接的视频中讨论了有效的直播监控策略的关键组件和工具.