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AWS, ViewLift & 奥特曼梭伦 on 的 State of Sports Media 2024

体育直播是媒体界最后一种预约观看方式, 但与此同时, 在授权和权利以及流媒体用户访问他们想要看到的游戏的能力方面,混乱占据了主导地位. Matt Del Percio, Partner, 奥特曼梭伦Julie Neenan Souza,全球专业服务体育主管, AWS, Chance Mason, VP Global GTM Strategy, ViewLift,在这段来自2024年流媒体连接的视频中讨论体育媒体的现状.

Del Percio asks Souza, “From w在这里 you sit on 的 AWS side, 你对体育和体育媒体的现状有什么看法?”

Souza remarks that “everything old is new again.” In 的 pre-streaming TV days, sports were primarily watched on “bundles,又名有线电视, 的n it all largely shifted to standalone platforms. Now, 的 pendulum is swinging back to aggregated content. 她引用的数据显示,2022年,体育赛事在收视率前100的节目中占据了92席. 她说:“这正好显示了体育为平台吸引眼球的力量。. “And I don't think that's necessarily going to change, 但我确实认为,让消费者更容易找到内容肯定是我们现在看到人们(关注)的事情.”

She also says that sports rights fees are crucial to consider. “我们看到了美国地区体育网络的内爆, 他们必须弄清楚如何扩大规模,使其可持续发展. I think what you're going to see is with this inflection point, 拥有当地分销权或向其球队提供分销权的联盟, 的 NHL, NBA, Major League Baseball, those teams are starting to think, ‘If I don't have that big money RSN paycheck anymore, 直接和拥有这种直接关系有价值吗?“当我在 ESPN, [people] used to ask me, ‘你害怕什么? 亚马逊 getting into 的 mix? 你害怕什么? 苹果 getting into 的 mix?’我当时的回答是,不,我更害怕球队和联盟决定直接采取行动. So that's a question that [lingers]. Given 的 volume of dollars we're talking about, I don't foresee that happening immediately, 但我认为我们已经开始看到有人涉足这个领域.”

Del Percio says to Mason, “我知道你和我在会前会议上谈到的一件事是,在直播体育的可访问性方面存在一些挑战——知道在哪里观看比赛. “哪个站台? Do I have access to it? Do I have to pay for it incrementally? Is it already included in a service or not? From w在这里 you sit on 的 ViewLift side, 你对体育和体育媒体的现状有什么看法?”

梅森也认为,在观看体育节目时弄清楚所有这些因素可能会让观众感到混乱和困惑. Ultimately, he says, “I believe 的 teams will go direct. They're realizing 的ir value for 的 consumer, 的y want to build a direct relationship with 的m. And when I say consumer, it's not just 的 consumer on 的 digital side; it's 的 consumer also participating in 的 venue. Those consumers are starting to blend. 终端场馆消费者和OTT消费者现在有办法通过技术将场馆内体验和场馆外体验融合在一起. And t在这里 are many different ways in technology to do that.”

他举了一个直接受到当今体育直播混乱本质影响的个人例子. “I'm a big women's basketball fan,” he says. “My daughter plays basketball. 凯特琳·克拉克,一个来自爱荷华州的了不起的球员,刚刚打破了历史得分纪录. She's just an amazing lady. And we didn't get to watch 的 game. 为什么? We didn't have access to 的 game's specific platform. 在第二季的后半段,她不会再去亚特兰大, so we don't get to see her after she breaks 的 record. Do you sign up, do you churn out? 不幸的是,在堪萨斯城的比赛中,我们已经做到了. And so we weren't going to use 的 same mail addresses.”

Overall, he says that some clients, such as 的 Vegas Golden Knights, 直接面向消费者,因为他们“看到了建立直接关系的价值,不想依赖于那些最低限度的保证. 也许还有其他的赚钱方式……这只是另一条期限曲线. We've seen this before. We saw it with cable, we saw it in 的 early 2000s with OTT. The most important thing, 虽然, 确保消费者能够以他们能承受的价格获得他们想要和需要的内容.”

请参阅流媒体连接2024年2月的完整节目视频 在这里.

We'll be back in person for 纽约流媒体 May 20-22, 2024. 更多细节请点击这里.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How CBS Sports Approaches Cloud vs. On-Prem Streaming Workflows

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