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广播行业正以惊人的速度发生着变化. Both the underlying technology and consumers' viewing habits have evolved into a complex and varied market. Broadcast news has been no exception, from both the production level and the end result for viewers. 授权生产团队最大限度地提高效率, media companies have reorganized their operations to drive collaboration with remote production at the heart of it.


该行业继续扩大远程操作的使用, 这一趋势近年来只会加速. It enables broadcasters to reap the benefits of improved flexibility by removing geographical barriers, bringing remote teams together in new ways to meet the demands of today’s 24/7 newsroom and enhancing the collaboration process.

远程生产将继续存在. 现在, broadcasters can produce more content without many of the traditional costs or logistical challenges of on-premise production. Another demand for production teams to meet is dealing with the inherent time-sensitivity of news content, 哪个价值与交付速度成正比. 从在此基础上工作的团队的角度来看, remote production capabilities are an indispensable addition to their collaboration tools: with the aid of 24/7 ubiquitous and immediate access, production teams will be prepared to meet the fast-paced demands of the digital age. Organizations benefit from leveraging their resources efficiently - without recourse to owning and maintaining large-scale facilities to manage and produce content. 除了节省成本, the flexibility of the cloud is significant in its contribution to collaboration. 与地点无关的工作将留在这里, flexibility is not only a boost to efficiency; it’s baked into our new industry concept of what a newsroom is and how it functions.


内容生态系统变得越来越复杂.S. 拥有多台连接的电视和其他设备,如电脑, 消费者观看内容的平板电脑和智能手机. The upshot of this is that operators can widen their net and reach new audiences through 社交媒体 and other OTT channels, 哪一个, 虽然我们曾经是一个独立的实体, 现在是新闻行业的关键渠道吗.

在正确的平台上把正确的故事呈现给正确的受众, 运营商需要拥抱灵活性, 哪一个 means identifying the right tools to adapt to a multi-platform news media landscape. To achieve this, optimizing content for the widest possible applicability is also a necessity. The full value of content can be realized by repurposing and adjusting it to suit individual platforms and the viewing habits of different demographics.

拥有这样的灵活性不仅对当今的新工作方式至关重要, 但在要求越来越高的市场中, it gives broadcasters the control to mitigate the challenges of getting content out there at scale.

Having the appropriate technologies in place is essential for organizations to take full advantage of the available opportunities. 一个集成, browser-based proxy editor is one such technology that enables media companies to enhance collaboration and increase the value of their media assets. 使用这种类型的编辑器, creative teams can effortlessly access their projects from any device with internet access, enabling them to edit videos remotely or work collaboratively from different 位置s. 另外, the editing infrastructure allows for multiple users to access it simultaneously, 提高团队协作的效率. 这些编辑工具通常是为了便于使用而设计的, 确保更广泛的人员能够有效地利用它们. 通过利用这项技术, media companies can effectively navigate the constantly changing landscape of 24/7 news and remain competitive.


另外, 云存储的好处, 你的内容可以自动适应未来的发展. 远程生产扩大了云计算能力的网络. Essentially infinite scaling capabilities and the newer technologies available from cloud services allow additional metadata to be applied to content, 不管是新的还是旧的, 并可连续更新, 自动优化. 以这种方式, one of the essential factors in creative collaboration going forward will be leveraging more scalable solutions for content storage. Cloud-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies such as speech-to-text, scene detection and facial recognition can provide significant efficiencies in surfacing content. Operators will have more time to focus on their production tasks rather than manually organizing and categorizing their material. 创造性合作可能会很复杂,但它并不需要如此. 使用支持云的工具, 时间等因素, 位置, 访问——甚至成本——都可以变得更简单, 在某些情况下, 无关紧要的.

There are a multitude of factors for broadcasters to consider as they adapt to current requirements of producing and distributing news content across the wide array of distribution platforms; and finding a solution that encompasses creative collaboration, 成本效率, 速度, 灵活性听起来像是一个令人生畏的清单.

在短期内, 可以取得重大进展,以确保关键成果:覆盖面, 成本效率, and overall agility are immediately and decisively important for any media company looking to compete in today’s market. 然而, there is also a long-term view to consider: futureproofing for tomorrow’s market is a process that begins today. 随着快速变化的步伐没有放缓的迹象, media companies that build for the future will stay ahead of the curve by unlocking the full potential of collaboration.

[编者注:这是来自 Bitcentral. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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波士顿25 新闻的本·拉特纳谈论人工智能、社交和广播新闻的未来

帮助我流媒体研究基金会的蒂姆·西格林接受了本·拉特纳的采访, 波士顿25 新闻的新闻技术总监, 聊一聊人工智能, 社交媒体, 以及广播新闻的未来.


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